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Ladies of the Lake Donation Making A Huge Difference at VCU Health Community Memorial Hospital

Ladies of the Lake group photo

The CMH Foundation Cancer Care Fund has raised more than $150,000 to help patients battling cancer at the Solari Radiation Therapy Center and the Hendrick Cancer & Rehab Center since it was started just seven years ago.

This fund is literally a life-saver for those who have benefitted from the fund.

“The Ladies of the Lake Cancer Support Team is a group of very dedicated and caring women who have made a major impact for our Cancer Care Fund,” said Ken Kurz, Director of Marketing & Development, at CMH. “They have been raising money to help cancer patients for years and recently donated another $8,000 to the CMH Cancer Care Fund!”

“They hold fundraisers throughout the year, they are a very dedicated, fun-loving group of tireless workers,” Kurz added. “The Ladies of the Lake are truly a vital component in the treatment of cancer patients at CMH.”

The VCU Health CMH Cancer Care Fund was started by the CMH Foundation and generous donors to help patients in our community who are dealing with cancer.

According to Teresa Collins, Director of the Radiation and Medical Oncology Department at CMH, often during treatment, many patients may lose their insurance or face other financial toxicity issues like being unable to work, which makes nausea and pain medications very difficult to afford.

The Cancer Care Fund is designed to help offset the cost of these medications.

As patients visit the Hendrick Cancer Center or Solari Radiation Therapy Center daily for chemotherapy and/or radiation services the distance a patient travels can become costly; this fund can also assist with these travel expenses.

Each case is thoroughly evaluated by the cancer care team to determine exactly what assistance is needed, and if the Cancer Care Fund is an appropriate resource.

Support for the Cancer Care Fund can give these patients a hand, and also give them peace of mind, knowing that the inability to cover these costs will not stand in the way of their treatment.

When a need is identified, patients are carefully screened by the oncology social worker and Director of Oncology to determine need and to assure that these funds are used in the way donors intended.  Our oncology social worker does extensive research to identify grants or other resources which may be available for the patient on top of looking at the Cancer Care Fund. 

If you are interested in donating to the VCU Health CMH Cancer Care Fund you can call (434) 447-0857.